Original article can be found here
2022 SOST Opportunities and Actions Roundtable

Summary: South Florida has a Sargassum seaweed problem. Every year since 2011, millions of tons of invasive Sargassum inundate beaches, causing environmental (marine dead zones), as well as economic challenges (tourism).

We have developed a patented technology which successfully converts millions of pounds of sargassum seaweed into high quality, innovative, natural fertilizer. This product is presently being used on over 5,000 acres in the USA and has been proven to:

  1. Save farmers up to 20% on chemical fertilizer costs.
  2. Increase farm yield/output on average by an extra $990/acre.

Rising fertilizer costs and by extension food costs are directly impacting the pockets of the American consumer, thereby threatening national food security. We believe by scaling up our idea, we can keep coastal areas free of this invasive seaweed, create thousands of jobs, reduce dependence on imported chemical fertilizers, increase American farm output and profits, as well as contribute to bolstering food security. The University of South Florida estimates that there is an average of 10 million metric tons of this invasive seaweed floating around the Caribbean sea. This is more than sufficient raw material to produce sustainable fertilizer for every farm in America.

Sector: Industry
Organization: Algas Organics
POC: Johanan Dujon, johanan@algasorganics.com